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At Converge we don't just provide a job. We appreciate and honor commitment. We nurture families. We build individual success. We increase your self worth.


People Philosophy


People. The heart and soul of Converge. Our business, our structure is designed to enhance every individual's ability. From the policies we have put in place, to the work environment and to the culture we follow. Backed by the richness of the Converge heritage, we strive to provide the best of opportunity to showcase talent - be it technology expertise, engineering skills or creative capability. Our physical environment is developed to enhance the innate abilities. Practical yet aesthetic surroundings provide the perfect setting for work. Built to inspire and encourage, Converge provides space in abundance for thinking, innovating and bettering our skills.


Life/Work Balance


Open Text allows employees considerable freedom and flexibility in the way they structure their professional lives. We believe that the highest levels of performance can only be attained when individuals are able to create a work schedule that balances personal and family needs.


Our Work Environment


  Supports high performance


  Encourages innovation


  Recognizes diversity of skills and professions


  Values and empowers our people


  Provides great flexibility to move throughout the organization


  Working virtually with many colleagues

All rights reserved. Converge Information systems 2006-2010.
2600 K Avenue Suite 229 Plano TX 75074